I try to wake up every 3 hours to pump during the night, so I don't get great sleep to begin with. After feeding Fiona and getting her back to sleep this morning, the dogs started barking and woke her back up. Sayla escaped once again, so I rounded her up and put her back on the deck. Searched and I believe I discovered how she got out, so blocked the point of escape. She is quite the escape artist for being blind.
I also prepared and started dinner in the crockpot. We are having corned beef with cabbage and potatoes. I am hoping to make some homemade bread to accompany it before Michael gets home. It just depends if Miss Priss lets me make it. =) Needless to say, I had a busy night and am tired. I thought I knew what having a baby at home would entail. I hadn't realized how time consuming it is, and it is truly a full time job. I believe however, once Fi gets on a schedule, it will be easier to plan my day and accomplish more. For now, I am happy with whatever I get done.
I am so thankful to have such an understanding and amazing husband through all of this. He has been by my side through the recovery and more helpful than I could ever ask for. I can't imagine him not being in my life now, and appreciate everything he does for us. =) Love you!
The puppies are so adorable right now. I love to take Fiona out between naps and watch them romp around the yard. We had a scare earlier because one puppy was missing, but she came back and all are accounted for. They will need homes soon and I wonder how Momma Dog will cope with the separation. It made me think about adoption and the mothers who give their little ones to other families. That has to be extremely emotional and hard to go through. I could not imagine having Fi and her not being in our lives right now.
I am almost done painting the letters to hang on Fiona's wall above her crib, and looking forward to finishing and seeing how they look. I am hoping add another coat or two of paint today. I am finding it quite enjoyable to have hobbies to work on during the day when I have time, and look forward to my next. It will be so much fun when Fiona can help and we can work on things together. It makes me smile to think about her and what she will be like. Sometimes I wish we could fast forward just to see, but that would take the mystery and fun out of watching her grow up.
Speaking of staying busy, I may have done too much again yesterday. My incision opened and was bleeding a little in a different spot. It's just a small spot and I am sure it is fine. Just another reminder to slow it down. =)
Well this post has been quite the rambling. I'm off to fold laundry and make bread. I will post the recipe later because it is worth trying and super easy to make.
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Good job! I am so proud of you.