Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fiona and Babywise

Started reading "On Becoming Babywise" by Gary Ezzo and Robert Bucknam and putting their theories to action with Fiona.  The book starts off alittle slow with the background of their theories, and I disagree with a few of their mindsets.  Overall, however, I feel they have a great concept and am looking forward to seeing if it works for Fiona.

The main theory of this book is to give babies a consistent pattern throughout the day.  You feed, have wake time,and then nap time.   It is important to not switch wake time and nap time.  We were feeding, napping, and then waking when she wanted to.  Fiona has no consistency to her days and therefore she controls her days and nights.  Babywise believes in having a schedule for baby so the day is controlled by the parent.   It does involve letting Fiona cry a little, and ignoring it (within reason) til she settles down.  Some people misinterpret this as letting baby cry for extended periods of time regardless of reason.  The authors of the book state that parents need to use parental assessment and decide whether to intervene or let baby cry.  It does not state to let baby cry for hours and there are several times you do not let baby cry and need to tend to them.  The main point is parental assessment, and using a parent directed feeding schedule. 

I am still reading the book and skeptical if the theories will work as they say.  Babywise claims that following the guidelines and theories will have your 7-9 week old sleeping a continuous 7-8 hours straight and 3 month old sleeping 9-11 hours.  I don't expect these results this soon, but would definitely welcome them.  =)  I would like to get Fiona to the point of only waking up once during the night for a feeding. 

Yesterday and today we have fed her every 2 1/2 - 3 hours and made sure to follow the order of feeding, wake time, and then nap time.  Last night she fed at 12:30 am and then didn't want more food til 6 am.  I assume this early on it is a coincidence, but I am curious how tonight will go. =)

The hardest part of this schedule so far is her wake time.  I include feeding and diapering, and try to keep her entertained after this before putting her down for a nap.  Today this was difficult due to her being extra cranky and crying her whole wake time.  I assume it is easier to entertain  older babies during this time who respond more to playing. 

I have not completed the book yet, but so far understand how a schedule will add security to the babies day.  I am curious if it is possible for babies to be on a schedule and sleep for hours at night.  I have heard both sides of arguments and agree with parts of each one.  =)
Another benefit to having Fiona on a more structured schedule is to reduce her colic.  Supposedly having infants on a schedule with feeding has proven to reduce the colic in many cases.  If this is the case, it will make this all worthwhile. 

On  another note, bought a deep freezer this weekend.  I am excited to go to Sam's and stock up on food without worrying about where to store it all 

Off to bed!!
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